Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mid-Week Hilarity

Yesterday, I had the class to myself for the afternoon. Nancy wants me and the students to get used to her not being there. I told her earlier in the day I wanted to start trying to play music while the kids worked. She showed me a CD that she had gotten in the mail from Stepping Stone Theater and said I could try it if I wanted to.

While the kids were working quietly on their hexagram designs in Math, I prefaced the music by saying a) this is a test to see if they can handle listening to music and still focus on their work and b) that I had no idea what was on the CD so we were just going to find out.

I pushed play and we heard some happy sounding theatrical music to start. Then there were a few strange sounds and the first line was: "Oh, it's good to be a goat!" We all proceeded to get the giggles - even me.

It was a nice, lighthearted experience to have after three weeks of a lot of discipline and behavior discussions with them. We had a discussion as they cleaned up their Math work about a music in the classroom plan. Some students had suggestions and I told them that if they could handle the music I bring in on Thursday, then we can have a Music Planning Meeting during Morning Meeting on Monday. Who gets to bring it, what's appropriate, volume, etc. We will see how it goes. But remember, it's good to be a goat.

1 comment:

  1. Great story, Joanna. I wonder if you've thought about using Pandora to create mixes of music for the kids to listen to. Do you have a set up in your classroom to connect your computer to a sound system? Just a thought!
